What is your Name
First Name
Last Name
What is your business name?
Why did you get into this business?
What's your story?
Describe what you/your business does in 1 or two sentences.
What is your business purpose?
What services or products does your business provide?
What makes your business unique:
Do you have existing branding?
If so, why do you want a new logo + branding?
What adjectives best describe your brand?
What is your brand mission?
What is your brand vision?
What are the core values of your brand?
If your brand had human personality traits what would they be? (e.g intelligent, friendly, sophisticated etc)
What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it?
What do you want your branding to accomplish?
Who are your competitors?
What are they doing well?
What are they NOT doing well?
How are you different from your competitors?
Describe your ideal client.
What age range is your target audience?
Where is your client located?
Why will your people be drawn to your brand?
Besides the brand name, what word if any should be included in the logo? e.g Phnom Penh, Est. 2017 etc
Is there a specific concept you wish to see in the logo? for example: I love birds, can we include a raven icon?
What colours would you like to see on the branding?
Please list a few visual examples of logos or type that resonate with you and / or are in line with your desired brand aesthetic. Make sure to include an explanation of why these resonate.
Please list a few visual examples of logos or type that are NOT in line with your desired brand aesthetic. Make sure to include an explanation of why these are not in line with the visual aesthetic you’re looking to achieve.
Besides branding are there any other items you need? e.g packaging, copywriting, photography etc.
Any additional details or creative considerations?
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.
Pinterest Board: Start A Pinterest Board with pinned images that reflect the attitude you want your brand to convey. Pinned images should reflect the meaning, attitude, and photography style of your brand.
Include a few branding examples, but you want to focus on colour, typography, and overall mood. Leave detailed captions for each pin describing why you like it.